Rose & Lily Bouquet

Bouquet of Hot Pink Roses & Fragrant White Lilies
Standard Size Soft Pink Roses
Standard Size Hot Pink Roses
Premium Size Orange Roses
Customised Option - Superb In Vase With Pink Lilies
Hot Pink Rose & Lily Superb Size
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Gorgeous premium Colombian roses paired with fragrant white oriental lilies – an absolute year-round favourite and perfect for any occasion.

Choose your rose colour, and our florists will arrange thoughtfully with seasonal foliage and wrap in Abaca (a natural and biodegradable fibre).

Standard size includes 5 roses and 3 stems of lily, Premium size includes 10 roses and 5 stems of lily and the Superb size includes 15 roses and 8 stems of lily. Lilies are sent ‘in bud’ to  open for maximum vase life.

Got something specific in mind? Let us know when placing your order or call us to discuss.