Red Rose & Lily Bouquet

Bouquet of Red Roses & Fragrant White Lilies
Superb Size - Lilies Sent In Bud
Red Rose & Lily in Vase
Superb Size
Standard size in vase
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All the heart eyes for this stunning pairing of premium Colombian red roses with fragrant white oriental lilies.

Standard size includes 5 roses and 3 stems of lily, Premium size includes 10 roses and 5 stems of lily and the Superb size includes 15 roses and 8 stems of lily. Lilies and roses are sent ‘in bud’ to  open for maximum vase life.

Arranged thoughtfully with seasonal foliage and wrapped in red Abaca (a natural and biodegradable fibre). Or add a vase as an extra and we’ll arrange and deliver the flowers in the vase for the perfect no-fuss delivery.