Bright Days Rose & Lily Bouquet

Bouquet of Soft Pink Roses & Vibrant Yellow Lilies
Standard Size | Pastel
Standard Size - In A Vase (add vase as extra)
Premium Size
Bright Days Standard Size
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Send your loving thoughts for bright days ahead with this delightful bouquet of long-stem premium roses and lilies. Choose the ‘As Pictured’ for Soft Pink roses, or ‘Bright’ if you would like us to add a brighter pop of colour with Orange or Hot Pink roses.

Standard size includes 5 roses and 3 stems of lily, Premium size includes 10 roses and 5 stems of lily and the Superb size includes 15 roses and 8 stems of lily. Lilies are sent ‘in bud’ to  open for maximum vase life.

Wrapped in natural Abaca (a natural and biodegradable fibre), or add a vase as an extra and we’ll arrange and deliver the flowers in the vase for the perfect no-fuss delivery.

Got something specific in mind? Let us know when placing your order or call us to discuss.